Saturday, November 19, 2016

Second tutorial

            Hi everyone! Welcome to the second tutorial of Photoshop CS6.

            Last day we talked about how to get a new file. From now on I consider that you    have the knowledge to get a new file.
            Here is the content of this lesson. Today I am going to teach you the parts of the  Tool bar, and their tasks.
            So, let’s get started.

This is tool bar. Let’s know the tools one by one. In here I’m giving you a brief description only.
I’ll teach you how to work with them in a later tutorial.

As you can see there are 3 more items below Zoom tool. I’ll describe them later.

1. Move tool

Move tool is used to move selected things. After you clicked it, the cursor will be changed.

2. Marquee tool

There are four tools inside marquee tool.

If you want to select a special part of a photo, this can be used. With Rectangular Marquee tool you can select a rectangle shaped part of a photo. With Elliptical Marquee tool you can select an elliptical shaped part of a photo. With other two tools you can select a single line row and a single line column.

3. Lasso tool

This is also used to select special parts of photos. There is a difference between them. But I’ll talk about it later.

There are differences among these tools. I’ll talk about it when we talk about how to use them.

4. Magic tool

This tool is a wonderful tool. It’s very useful when we edit a photo.

Magic wand tool is used to select similar color parts of a photo. It’s easy to remove similar color parts of a photo using this.
Quick Selection Tool is somewhat similar to the Magic Wand in that it also selects pixels based on tone and color. But the Quick Selection Tool goes far beyond the Magic Wand's limited abilities by also looking for similar textures in the image, which makes it great at detecting the edges of objects.

5. Crop tool

The most popular way to crop an image is by using the Crop tool.

Perspective crop tool has been designed to easily fix common distortion and perspective problems in an image. In a later tutorial, we'll learn how it works.

The slice tools in Photoshop are particularly useful for Web designer’s as these allow them to divide an image up into rectangular sections, and the slices can then be used in Photoshop to specify how each individual slice will be optimized, what file format a slice area should be saved in and what compression settings should be used.

6. Eyedropper tool

Photoshop uses the foreground color to paint, fill, and stroke selections and the background color to make gradient fills and fill in the erased areas of an image. The foreground and background colors are also used by some special effects filters. You can designate a new foreground or background color using the Eyedropper tool.

The Eyedropper’s cousin, the Color Sampler tool, looks like an eyedropper with a small target next to the icon. The Color Sampler tool can monitor changes to your image after you apply color-correction techniques and filters.

The ruler tool lets you measure distances and angles in an image.

The Note tool makes notes that can be attached to an image.

7. Healing brush tool

The Spot Healing Brush tool removes blemishes and objects.
The Healing Brush tool paints with a sample or pattern to repair imperfections in an image.
The Patch tool repairs imperfections in a selected area of an image using a sample or pattern.
Content Aware Move will allow you to select pixels and move or extend them to another area of your image without the use of layers and masks.
The Red Eye tool removes the red reflection caused by a flash.

8. Brush tool

The Brush tool paints brush strokes.

The Pencil tool paints hard-edged strokes.

The Color Replacement tool replaces a selected color with a new color.

The Mixer Brush tool Simulates realistic painting techniques such as blending canvas colors and varying paint wetness.
Okay,that was a brief introduction of some tools of the tool bar.There are more and we're going to talk about them in the next tutorial.
See you!